- 算法(leetcode 800题达成)
- Mit6.824(基本完成)
- tidb(有点难,希望不要轻易放弃)
Raft struct
删掉了一些跟leader election和log replication无关的参数
type raft struct {
id uint64
Term uint64
Vote uint64
// the log
raftLog *raftLog
maxMsgSize uint64
maxUncommittedSize uint64
state StateType
msgs []pb.Message
// the leader id
lead uint64
// number of ticks since it reached last electionTimeout when it is leader
// or candidate.
// number of ticks since it reached last electionTimeout or received a
// valid message from current leader when it is a follower.
electionElapsed int
// number of ticks since it reached last heartbeatTimeout.
// only leader keeps heartbeatElapsed.
heartbeatElapsed int
checkQuorum bool
preVote bool
heartbeatTimeout int
electionTimeout int
// randomizedElectionTimeout is a random number between
// [electiontimeout, 2 * electiontimeout - 1]. It gets reset
// when raft changes its state to follower or candidate.
randomizedElectionTimeout int
disableProposalForwarding bool